

About that pain you feel when other people say negative things to you…

September 5, 2021

Your own words cause you more pain.

Other people’s words are like salt in your self-inflicted wounds. 

The less you cut yourself down with negative self-talk, the less other people’s words can hurt you.

So, how DO you talk to yourself?

Do you call yourself names?

Do you berate yourself?

Do you deflect compliments?

Do you say mildly self-deprecating things to yourself, followed by a little “lol”?

Do you say things to yourself you’d never say to anyone else?

Do you say things to yourself you’d punch someone for if they said it to your friend?

Do you say things to yourself you’d call your friend out for if they said it about themselves?

If so, you’re setting a bad example of how people are supposed to talk to you.

If you want other people to say nice things about you, support you, have your back, then start by doing it for yourself first.

Go ahead… start changing how you talk to yourself today.

Otherwise, you’re killing your self-worth with thousands of tiny cuts.

And making yourself vulnerable to pain from what other people throw at you.

XO, Sheila

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